Expat Files: Ordering Coffee in Dutch

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Dutch people enjoy their coffee to the next level. I think each Dutch person drinks roughly 5000 gallons of coffee per day. And it seems to have nothing to do with wanting the caffeine hit, but completely a learned behaviour whereby you drink coffee to have a meeting, because its the morning, because you haven’t had one for roughly 15 minutes, because someone stopped by your house, because coffee is great to have right before bed, etc etc.


Because coffee is so prevalent in the Netherlands, it has become the thing I drink most and thus, what I have learnt quickest to say in Dutch.

On my first trip down to the Coffee Company at the end of the street, without my Dutch Hunk with me, I practised the whole way “Mag Ik Twee Grote Cafe Latte Alstublieft” (May I have 2 large cafe lattes please). When I placed my order, I got away with my incredibly good pronunciation of the Dutch words, but the barista then asked me a question!!

My short-lived smugness with my brilliant Dutch became a ‘dear-in-headlights’ expression, ‘what do I say, what is this ‘mee nemen”?’ So I said in English “Take away?” – A complete wild guess! The barista smiled and realised I had fooled her into thinking I was Dutch, and she said “Mee Nemen means take away”. Alright, I’ll know this for next time, I thought.

Cue ‘next time’. After again fooling the Dutch barista into thinking I’m Dutch with my ordering, I got asked a question, but low and behold – it was a different question!!! So, again stumped and confused, I said “Mee Nemen”… This barista quite enjoyed this and congratulated me on my Dutch pronunciation and re-asked me her question in English – “Would you like your receipt?”.  Okay… another question learned. Surely I’ll nail the coffee ordering next time.

Next time: The same order, the same expectation that I am Dutch. A DIFFERENT BLOODY QUESTION!!! This time, I just said “Sorry, could you repeat that in English?” The barista then said “Would you like a carry tray?”


Okay – surely I have now learned all of the questions that might be thrown my way…

To be continued… 🙂

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