Amsterdam Pride Canal Parade

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I’m a pretty big fan of Amsterdam’s canals. What’s not to love? They are drop dead gorgeous! Being a huge fan of Holland’s National Holiday – King’s Day (see post here), naturally, when it came time for Amsterdam’s yearly gay pride parade set on the canals, I was totally going!

Euro Pride:

2016 was Amsterdam’s turn to host Euro Pride. Whilst Amsterdam holds an epic parade every year for Pride – which you should come to – 2017 was even bigger than ever. The 3 weeks leading up to Euro Pride were key events for Pride and gay-issue awareness, which was awesome to see everywhere! Amsterdam truly is a city where you can really be yourself and everyone embraces it.

Canal Route:

The important stuff: the canal route for the parade starts up near Centraal Station in the Jordaan, on the Prinsengracht (Princes Canal). Follow the Prinsengrancht to the East side of the Centre and you hit the gorgeous Amstel river. Here the float boats turn left, go under the darling Skinny Bridge (Magere Brug [Ma-*throat clearing sound*her Bru*throat clearing aound*h] for anyone game enough to try to pronounce that), a sharp left at the Nieuwe Herengracht, passing through Plantage which is oh-so-lovely, and ends near the NEMO Science Museum! *Note* the route sometimes changes year-to-year, so check the website for the most up-to-date route!


What happens:

Well, let’s see, thousands of Amsterdammers and tourists (including many from other Dutch cities!) line the banks of the canals, rivers and every bridge in between, ready to party!

Here in Holland the police turn a blind eye to open containers of alcohol being consumed on the streets of it is in celebration of some kind – so for Pride – you fill up your back pack with beer and you watch the float boats pass by!

The best part of the day is see what each boat has done to deck their float out – and enjoy the music and performances as each boat passes!

My Experience:

For me, Pride was absolute MAGIC! After arriving to the Nieuwe Herengracht by Plantage, I immediately realized that this was no half-arsed affair. The crowds were mental, the boats were blaring great tunes and I was in my happy zone! In fact, I damn near balled my eyes out I was feeling so euphoric!

Each and every boat had a different theme, from the Police boat to the Superhero boat and even a Madonna boat! Pride had it all in one mega colour explosion!

Our group danced the day away, in the sun, with each and very boat that passed, even giving a few fist pumps as some epic tunes blasted out!

There are so many great things about Amsterdam and pride is just one of them – I am so glad to have finally experienced this event and will absolutely be dusting off my sequins again next year!

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