Expat Files: Six Months in Amsterdam

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As regular readers might know, I moved to Amsterdam 6 months ago (well 6.5 months ago now!) to move in with my long-distance love, the Hunk! Moving to a country that I don’t speak the native language of is something I never expected to do, however having done it I can say that it’s ultimately been one of the biggest struggles with the biggest rewards I’ve gone through in my life!


My biggest struggle is not speaking the language, Dutch. However I am learning! I took Dutch classes about 1 month after arriving which was a great way to gain language skills quickly!

Recently though I realized that my language skills have barely improved since my lessons finished. This is in part due to not having enough exposure to Dutch in my daily life. The Hunk and I speak English to each other, and as I have been unemployed for the last 6 months – I’m alone all day, not speaking Dutch or English to anyone!

To counter this problem, Hunk and I have begun speaking in Dutch when we text/SMS each other! This is a great way to learn new vocabulary and to get schooled in word order etc! I can look up on google translate words I’m not sure of and if I don’t compose a sentence correctly, Hunk can correct it – which I can physically see in a reply text. A great way to learn!


As I just mentioned – I’ve been unemployed for the last 6 months. This has been much harder than the difficulties faced with not speaking Dutch fluently. I have felt at times extremely un-employable, disappointed in my skill set, sad and generally upset with myself.

It really ate away at my confidence to not be employed because I wondered what could be so undesirable about myself that I get knocked back from every job I applied for.

The struggle is REAL!

I’ve had down days, but actually I’ve stayed pretty positive most of the time, working hard to move on from failures in hopes that the next application is ‘the one’.

Finding a job is incredibly important for me in feeling like I am a contributing member of society! I want colleagues and a busy schedule and passion about my job and after work drinks!

And the best thing happened a couple of days after my 6 month anniversary of living in Amsterdam… I GOT A JOB! Yep – I can finally say I am employed and I am a working woman once more!

Fitting In:

While I am both unable to speak Dutch fluently and have been unemployed for most of my time living in Amsterdam, I do still feel like I fit in here in this beautiful laid back city! Amsterdam is fantastic ?

I have gotten used to bicycle life! I still hate my bike lock, but I no longer have butt pain, I can carry 3 grocery shopping bags & ride my bike all at the same time and can even hold my Hunks hand while riding. Pretty sweet huh!

I have made friends! Not many that are my own (seperate to Hunks established friends), but I’ve still done it, without the easiest fallback of colleagues!

My Hunks family are MY family. At first, for me it was difficult. Being at family dinners where the majority of talk was in Dutch made me feel like an outsider. These days with my vocabulary growing, I’m able to pick up on some conversations to join in on (in English) but also I’ve grown the balls to ask them to switch to English for me!

I think these days my Dutch family are used to having this English speaking Aussie around 🙂

Being able to have close relationships with the family I’m going to marry into (one day! No ring yet ?) has been key to keeping homesickness at a minimum!

From family dinners to theatre nights, birthdays, football games, and even getting stuck into a renovation together has made me feel part of the family and more and more accepted each day.

What I’ve done since moving to Amsterdam:

Since moving to Amsterdam I’ve done A LOT! My life has been full and being busy has helped me feel at home. Here’s just some of what I’ve been up to:

  • Built IKEA furniture
  • Saw the King and Queen of The Netherlands
  • Seen Ajax play, and been to many AFC games
  • Visited a ton of places: Zaanse Schans, Rotterdam, Cologne, Antwerp, Bruges, Volendam, Delft, South of France, London, East Midlands in the U.K., Rome
  • Celebrated Kings Day from atop a canal house on the Prinsengracht
  • Had my dad visit and recently both mum and dad visited!
  • Numerous friends have visited
  • I’ve had my uncles and aunties visit TOO!
  • The 2016 World Athletic Championships have been on in Amsterdam
  • I’ve gone to the theatre to see a play in Dutch (with English subtitles!)
  • Kayaked on the lake by my flat
  • Pat goats at the Amsterdam Forest
  • Seen kangaroos at Amstel Park
  • Celebrated Diwali
  • Jumped into the water off the docks during the heatwave
  • Got on stage with the Australian Ambassador at an Aussie/Dutch event
  • Went to the Amsterdam beaches: Zandvoort and Bloemendaal
  • Danced along the canals for Gay Pride
  • Caught Pokémon ?
  • Played with monkeys at Apenheul primate park!

Expat Life

Yeah, moving abroad to London from Australia was hard. Moving to Amsterdam from London has been WAY harder! However the feeling I got (and still get!) from being able to go and get the groceries alone without my Dutch partner, is a huge sense of accomplishment.

I am truly leading a life as an expat in a foreign city – and I’m having a love affair with it!

There are ups. There are downs. But in the end, I have a great life with a great man and I am happy.

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0 thoughts on “Expat Files: Six Months in Amsterdam

  1. You are brave Lesly!
    I know a little of what you are experiencing , having been a Dutch expat in Amerika at one time, my command of (British) English often did not match American English and I often had to use the dictionary to get out of a pickle! I did not have a hunk to rely on either!
    You have landed in the nicest family imaginable in Amsterdam ( Hoofddorp) and I can’t wait to see that ring…
    Else (in America)

  2. Sounds like you have had an EPIC time since moving to Amsterdam! Even if the jobs are touch and go, it sounds like you have had no problem meshing yourself into the flow of things out there, and cheers to you for learning the language – I have always had a hard time with Dutch!

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