Liebster Award Nom

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So, the Liebster Award is all about discovering new blogs. Being a newish blogger, another newish blogger (The Files Of A Travelling Daydreamer) has nominated me to answer these following questions, to learn more about me and my blog!

Thanks for the nom! And, here goes:

  • Money is no object- where do you go and what do you do there?

    I have 2 destinations for this. The Galapagos Islands and Antarctica!
    With both places it’s all about the animals! My favourite destinations are always nature-driven, so these two places are a no-brainer for my bucket list.

  • What is a destination that surprised you and why?

    Morocco. I went there we no idea what to expect – it was a last minute tag-along vacation, which turned out to be the best vacation I ever went on.


    From bantering for goods in the souks, almost puking at the smell of the tanneries, taking a 3 day trek out to the Sahara Desert to ride camels to our own dune campsite for the evening, dancing around the campfire to the beat of a bongo drum and have the most peaceful nights sleep of my life, to all of the sights we saw between the Sahara and Marrakesh, and eating all of the delicious tagine. Morocco was an epic adventure and I loved every minute of it!

  • How did you first become interested in travel?

    I’m not sure! It’s always been an interest. I feel like as an Aussie, we seem to have the in built characteristic to want to go places and see as much of the world as possible. Perhaps this is because Australia is so far away from everywhere else!

  • Do you collect any souvenirs/mementos?

    I used to collect shot glasses on my travels, but then that got too big of a collection so I changed and started buying magnets. Now that I live in a share-house again, I just try to buy a postcard for my bedroom wall and a postcard to send to my parents on each trip. My souvenirs are my photos!

  • Which do you prefer- websites and apps or books and maps?

    I love a ‘Would You Rather’! I am an iPhone lover, and thus, do all of my planning before and during a trip via apps and websites. I love the accessibility and being able to check your plans at any time on your trip. My favourite app for keeping all of my travel plans together is ‘Tripit‘.

  • If someone wanted to be a tourist in the town where you grew up, what sorts of things would they be doing and seeing?

    Melbourne is where I grew up, and it’s a wonderful place! If you were being a tourist in Melbourne with me as your tour guide, we’d be:
    a) going to Healesville Sanctuary – an Australian Wildlife sanctuary where you can feed and pet the kangaroos, and interact with many of the species only found in Australia.
    b) take you down to Philip Island to have a surf, fish and chips, and watch the fairy penguins come into shore at dusk – it really is a sight!
    c) take a drive to the wine region and get tasting!
    d) go and watch a game of the Aussie Rules footy, Rugby League or Australian Soccer League. I’m a huge sports fan so if all 3 were on while you were there, you’d be having a field day with sports-watching.
    e) Melbourne is a foodies paradise so I’d take you to some of my favourite spots – Misschu Vietnamese, Top Paddock for brunch, The Exchange Pub for a Chicken Parma.
    f) checking out some of our many wonderful beaches! Norman Bay beach on the south coast is heaven.
    g) Take a drive around the streets of the F1 track – which you can do all year ’round as it’s a street circuit in Melbourne! Pretty cool to drive down the main straight!

  • You are going on a long flight- what is in your carry-on?

    — Obviously an eye mask and ear plugs. Those are a given. I don’t ever travel without those!!
    — Also, Nivea moisturiser because planes dry you out and Nivea is quite thick/heavy.
    — BB Cream for some light coverage – those eye bags need to be hidden! 🙂
    — I have these great coffee bags called GROWERS CUP which are great for travellers! I take them on every vacation just in case my hostel/hotel/airbnb doesn’t have coffee or I’m just really needing coffee.
    — And, always keeping a clean set of clothes in the carry on is a must for me. I hate feeling like I’ve spent 24 hours in the same clothes and feel grimy. At the halfway mark between say, Australia and the UK, I’ll change clothes during a layover to feel better!

  • What does the word “adventure” mean to you?

    It’s what I enjoy doing! Who doesn’t love a bit of adventure!? It’s the feeling of learning about a place by doing and just getting amongst it.

  • Is there any destination you could visit over and over again and never get tired of it?

    ROME!! I am lucky enough to get to go to Rome with work twice a year. Rome has never gotten old for me. It’s a remarkable place with a wonderful vibe. I don’t tend to be a tourist when I go, I try to ‘live like a local’ for the most part – and I have my favourite pizza place that I go to every time I am there, so I feel like I have my own hang outs.

    There is however, always room for one touristy activity each time I go!
    For instance, I hired out a segway by the Castel St Angelo last year and had an absolute blast driving it around the area!

  • Who are your favourite travel buddies?

    My favourite travel buddy is my boyfriend, The Hunk. He is adventurous and is always open to doing anything! Plus, we are long distance, so travelling together is a must!

    18 March 1889
    My other favourite travel buddies are the 3 beauties I went to Iceland with. I don’t think it could have been a better crew for a road trip, laughs, and adventuring the outdoors with. They are my soul mates 🙂

    iceland 571

  • Why did you decide to start a blog?

    I wanted to share my adventures with my family, since I am living abroad. I also enjoy sharing any tips I’ve found from my travels, as before I travel to a new destination I like to read up on it via blogs to find out about anything I wouldn’t have otherwise known about!

The rules of the Liebster Award are as follows:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog.
  • Display the award graphic on your blog.
  • Answer the eleven questions asked by the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate five to eleven bloggers and post eleven questions for your nominees.
  • Publish the full post on your blog.
  • Notify your nominees by posting on their blog.

Here are my nominees!!

  1. Anything That Glitters
  2. Travelling Kay LJ
  3. The Blonde Broad Traveler
  4. Taylor In Transit
  5. Based on Wanderlust

And here are your questions!

  1. If you could live anywhere in the world – where and why?
  2. How often do you travel? Do you have travel amount goals?
  3. Tell us a funny little story from your travels.
  4. Would You Rather: go on a beachy vacation OR a new big city vacation?
  5. If travelling in a group, are you the ‘planner’ or the ‘go with the flow’ person?
  6. Where have you travelled would you go back to again and again and again?
  7. I love to try local foods while abroad – what’s your favourite food you’ve eaten travelling?
  8. What is the longest flight you have been on?
  9. Are you a Kindle or Book person?
  10. Where to next?
  11. Why do you blog?

Good luck and thanks for participating!

Let me know in the comments when you’ve posted your answers!

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0 thoughts on “Liebster Award Nom

  1. I too collect magnets from different places. Enjoy looking at them on the fridge. Also, traveling to see wildlife, plus one for that. Since we don’t prefer visiting zoos, spotting wildlife in their natural habitat is something we love.

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